Achievement unlocked!
Winner in Communication Arts
9th Annual Typography Competition
Bucket list, check
One hundred and twenty-nine projects were selected by a jury of creative professionals; 1,653
entries were submitted to the competition. The design will be featured in the January/February 2019 issue of Communication Arts, both in print and digital editions, and more than 25,000 copies will be distributed worldwide.
Bassackward Press is a small garage letterpress workshop that explores the intersection of design and historical print techniques. Both the name and the identity reference the art of letterpress by visually playing on to the process of setting antique metal type by hand, letter by letter, in reverse. The typographic solution with select letterform reversal simultaneously reads as both bassackward or assbackward, playfully imbuing the care one must take when composing type manually. The copper color is inspired by the finish of Bassackward’s midcentury Craftsmen platen press.